Monday, October 17, 2011

Rick Perry is an @$$

Here is the source of my vent.

According to Yahoo - Perry has made the State of Texas one of the most industry friendly states in teh nation environmentally.  Why?  Well, let's make a list:

- Cut funding for clean air programs
- sued EPA to avoid enforcing clean air laws
- Cut TCEQ budget from 833.3 million to 565.5 million over the next two years

He targets everyone who supports or puts in place stricter environmental standards.  He thinks that Obama's plans are a radical agenda and Perry plans on "killing" the EPA if he becomes president.

Rick Perry is quoted as saying "Our nation does not need costly new federal restrictions, espcially during our present economic crisis".  Well, the EPA isn't the only one's putting out new federal restrictions.  What is his next plan?  Targeting OSHA?  Maybe he'll be part of that movement that believes that Chysotile Asbestos isn't harmful..that it is all the OTHER types of asbestos that is.

Perry is using the EPA as his soapbox for his presidential campaign.  Even though I am a Texan, I can no longer support this man in any way, shape or form. 

Perry blames enviornmental regulations for the lack and loss of jobs  but there is little to no real evidence that the job market is any worse today than it has been historically because of the environmental regulations.  Most economist believe that companies are not hiring because there isn't enough consumer demand for the product.

Oh and then there is this:

"Another new measure made tightening air quality permits on the oil and gas industry more difficult. That law, which Perry signed in June, requires the Texas environmental agency to analyze the effect of new regulation on the economy — including how it might hurt a company — before implementation. The economic impact could override the environmental benefit of the new regulation."

and this:

"..... the EPA became so frustrated with how Texas was enforcing air quality laws that it took away the commission's authority to grant air pollution permits to some refineries. The state has filed suit to go back to the old rules."

So you want to blame someone for the EPA coming down on Texas?  Blame Perry.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Rick Perry - Energy Plan to Creat 1.2 Million Jobs

This isn't really environmental but it plays into it very nicely.....

Rick Perry will propose a sweeping energy plan today, which will expand oil and gas exploration while also spurring an economic boom that he believes will create 1.2 million jobs.  (he actually says American jobs but we'll see).

His plan is to make "what Americans buy. Buy what Americans make".  I actually agree with this.  I usually try to buy American but I don't always have that option.

There is supposedly two phases to this:

1.  The Energizing American Jobs & Security Plan
2.  Taxes and federal spending

Perry wants to expand energy exploration and production on federal lands in areas like Alaska and the Mountain West, as well as, permitting more offshore drilling in the Gulf and Atlantic.  However, he would still uphold the ban on drilling in the Florida Everglades (how nice of him...)

He plans to strip the EPA mandates and regulations currently impairing the energy sector (as he calls it) and limit the ability of environmental activists to use the courts to interfere in the movement of key energy projects.

Wonder why Rick Perry is blaming everything on the EPA?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Clean Air Through Energy Efficiency Conference

There will be a Clean Air Through Energy Efficiency Conference on November 809, 2011 in Dallas, Texas at the Sheraton Dallas North Hotel.

Dr. Armendariz will be speaking the first day about the legislative outcomes from  the 82nd Texas Legislature.

Drinking Water Advisory Work Group

The DWAWG will be meeting on October 25, 2011 from 9am until 12pm at the TCEQ Campus.

They will be discussing updates on rules and initiatives for Public Drinking Water programs.  This includes revisions to concepts for harvesting rainwater, interconnection of the harvesting system with the public water supply, backflow prevention, and other conditions for using that rainwater as a supply of potable water.

Contact Elston Johnson (512) 239-4691 for more information.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Society of Texas Environmental Professionals (STEP) meeting today.  11:30am.  Holiday Inn off of 75 in Richardson, Texas.  Speaker:  Mr. Ed Ireland, executive director of Barnett Shale energy Education Council.  Topic:  Update on the Barnett Shale.

I'll be there.  Will you?

Also, just tried to get onto the TCEQ website and am getting the Service Temporarily Unavailable message.  Is anyone else getting this message?

Friday, October 7, 2011

Events in Texas

Today there is an El Paso Environmental Summit Meeting (Commissioner Shaw will be there).
October 20, there will be a Laredo Summit Meeting.

These summit meetings purpose is to bring together the public, political leaders, neighborhood associations, nonprofits, businesses, and students to identify environmental issues, identify solutions, and implement those solutions.  You have to register to attend these events.  Be aware and attend any in your area!

October 25 - Drinking Water Advisory Work Group is meeting!

October 26-27 - Advanced Air Permitting seminar and Oil and Gas facilities Workshop is happening!  Cost $100 if you register early.

October 28 - Valley Environmental Summit Meeting

Bad Science?

The TCEQ, more specifically Dr. Bryan Shaw (TCEQ Chairman), says that bad science is to blame for Texas's latest challenge to the EPA.  What are we talking about here again?  the CSAPR (Cross-State Air Pollution Rule).  Dr. Shaw states that the last-minute inclusion of the state in the sulfur dioxide portion of the rule is based on modeling that says that an Illinois monitor, located adjacent to a steel mill, shows a "theoretical reading" that is slightly above attainment.  Data from 2009 shows that this monitor is meeting the federal air quality standards today.

Technically, the EPA CSAPR doesn't go into effect until march 2013.  However, Dr. Shaw says that fines and criminal penalties for noncompliance will be based on operations starting in January of 2012.

I plan to pull the actually publications about this because I am on the fence.  Is the EPA targeting Texas because of past legal issues and ...uh hmmm.. comments and threats from Perry? or is there an actual issues that needs to be address.  If you have an opinion.  Let me know!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A day late and a dollar short

Well, if you are in the Dallas Fort Worth and tomorrow the TCEQ is putting on Workshops on Pollution Prevention (P2) Planning.  These workshops help industries comply with the Waste Reduction Policy Act to save money by reducing or minimizing waste.  There will also be one in Houston in December (December 6-7) to be exact.  However, these are offered by UTA and will cost you (where as if the TCEQ puts something on it is free).  Keep that in mind!